============ DISview [518] !NETINIT.TXT ============ _________________________________________________________________ NET.EXE [-b] [-s ] [-d []:] [-v] [] _________________________________________________________________ When starting NET, the following command-line options may be used: -b: The -b option specifies the use of BIOS for console output; the default is to write directly to the video display buffer. Use this option if you are running under a windowing package and have trouble with output "bleeding through" on top of other windows. -s: The -s option specifies the size of the socket array to be allocated within NET. This limits the number of network connections that may exist simultaneously. The default is 40. -d: The -d option allows the user to specify the NET root directory. It defaults to the current DOS root directory. N.B. Any slashes in the pathname must be FORWARD slashes, not backslashes. -v: The -v (verbose) option allows the user to view command execution during NET startup. This is useful if NET hangs during startup. Startup_file: Following all the command-line options, the name of a startup file may be specified. If no startup file is specified, NET attempts to open ~/autoexec.net in the NET root directory. If the file exists, it is read and executed as though its contents were typed on the console as commands. This feature is useful for attaching communication interfaces, configuring network addresses, and starting the various services. >> Example: NET.EXE -b -s 50 -d /netdir -v autoexec.123